We took a trip up to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving this year to be with our family up there. Matt and I decided to spend the night halfway so the trip wouldn't be so long of a drive. We left Tuesday afternoon and arrived at our hotel in Virginia. I will let the pictures tell the story of our trip!

Anna absolutely loved the big beds in our hotel room. She played on them and had a great time watching Aladdin on the TV. We are so glad we stopped instead of choosing to drive the whole way!
When we arrived at Grandma's in PA, Uncle Chris entertained Anna by finding all the toys upstairs. She enjoyed beating the drums!
Thanksgiving morning, I participated in a Turkey Trot run on the Lake Erie border. That morning was VERY cold and it was raining and sleeting. It was THE most miserable run I have ever done. However, it is one I will never forget! My husband was brave enough to be my "fan" and go down there with me. I had on six layers and I still couldn't feel my feet to run. :)
Thanksgiving dinner! Yum!
After Thanksgiving Anna and I played on the piano a bit.

Aunt Becca joined us and Anna enjoyed dancing to our music (and helping out of course!)
Then Gran helped too! Maybe our daughter will take want to take piano lessons one day!
Granpa was one of Anna's biggest sources of entertainment while in PA. Great Grandma gave Anna one of those Hallmark snowmen sets for her to keep. She played with it most of the way home! Anna loves watching the little penguin ring the bells.
Great Grandma and Anna (please note the snow out the window.....brrrr)

Anna and I playing in the car before we left for our tree.
Arriving at the tree farm to chop down our tree
Anna was not incredibly happy about having her winter gear on.
Our family pic at the tree farm
Our family went to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch our big Gamecock vs. Clemson game. Anna was such a trooper and cheered with all of us!

Anna and I at the restaurant watching the Gamecocks BEAT Clemson!
This is the morning before we left. Matt and his girl are sporting the long underwear....haha!
This is our Blue Spruce Christmas tree. It has been put up in the living room and the ornaments are almost all the way on! Will post more later!
I have some additional pics from my phone I will get up soon. I just wanted to get some on here so you all could see the trip!
We had a great trip! It was nice to arrive back in the south and have 70 degree weather!